Our success and company history
At Binkymart, your pet is our family.
We are on a mission to bring to you the best Pet Clothing, Customised Pet Products, and Pet Supplies. Check out our designer clothes and accessories and they will melt your heart!
This portal also helps in the adoption of rescued homeless animals; we believe that animals also deserve good things in life because they are more ‘human’ than any of us.
“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remain unawakened” – Anatole France

Being a pet’s parent is one of the best things in life. And we understand because we’re pet’s parents too. Binkymart was founded by people with a serious passion for helping animals. It is our pleasure to be able to share our love of pets with you. We started Binkymart with one idea in mind – to create a place where conscientious pet owners can find the best pet supplies on the market and your purchase from Binkymart can help injured and hungry animals simultaneously.
Our promise to you is to offer the finest pet products, the most reliable information, and superior customer service so that you have a one-stop platform for all your pet needs…
Welcome to Binkymart….Hope you have a great shopping experience!
“When I look into the eyes of an animal, I do not see an animal. I see a living being. I see a friend. I feel a soul.” – Anthony Douglas Williams
Animals live in pathetic conditions in India. Daily, we see atrocities being committed to stray animals. The laws in India are too lenient to have brought about any change to the deplorable conditions of animals in India.
Binkymart has endeavoured to start a mission to eradicate animal cruelty. Even small steps over a period of time and sustainable non-violent efforts would go a long way towards more awareness of animal rights amongst the society. With this in mind, Binkymart has adopted a systematic process to participate in animal welfare to bring about a social change on a mass basis while simultaneously helping individual cases.

We love to help animals in need, feed hungry animals in street and we are truly passionate and proud of what we do. A major portion of earnings of Binkymart goes into animal welfare to ensure the well-being of our furry friends and other animals.
Some of the activities related to animal welfare in which Binkymart, along with its associated group of volunteers, involves itself in –
– We sterilize street dogs so they can live a healthy and happy life and we can control their population
– We educate people about animal rights
– We try to find the best forever home and loving family for the abandoned animals which we find on roads, for injured stray animals, and for the animals who are in various shelters
– We feed hungry animals
– We help in the rescue and medical treatment of injured animals in our city
– Vaccination, de-worming of strays
All the above activities are done along with the help of our dedicated team of volunteers.
It is with much pride that we declare that 50% of the profit of each transaction done in Binkymart is utilised in some way for the benefit of animals – be it helping injured animals on roads via treatment in private hospitals or coordinating with NGOs/ Boarding for foster/treatment or vaccination/sterilisation of stray dogs.
Binkymart has a vision for a ‘Cruelty-Free’ India. A strong educational component is central to our work and we intend to undertake educational programmes to create awareness regarding animal welfare in a big way.
Join us to support the movement. Email us with your suggestions and what we can do jointly to stop animal cruelty.