Inspirational Stories of Pet-owners

A short story about my adopted dog! By Simran Bedi – Indie Warrior

It all started when I wanted to bring a breed dog as I was a dog lover. Say it a coincidence or fortune, I met a person named Mr. Ketan Thakare who just changed my whole mind.


Well, He is one of those wonderful souls who works for these stray dogs and encourages people to do the same. And no doubt this is just one of those practices which many people should follow in today’s busy world.

Mr. Ketan Thakare came up to me with a stray puppy who was taken to shelter, but he had to re-shelter it due to the infection caused to the puppy by other dogs. I took him and did his proper treatment which was required. A sort of bond was created between me and the pup.

Then finally, I adopted this stray puppy whom I have named SHIRO. And today he is a healthy Happy Dog! Now Shiro has completed my life in such a way that I don’t need any breeds as he has turned out to be the bestest dog ever.

You’re saving a life.

Adopting a stray dog is something you’d be proud of for the rest of your life.

This is the change we need.

And what can be better than providing shelter to a homeless?

So yes, this was my short story!

Thank you.

(Simran Kaur Bedi)

You can follow her on Instagram


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